MiniTroid - The Metroid-like stuck in a time loop!

CONTROLS (Controller recommended) :
ARROWS KEYS / D-PAD / Left Stick : 
Move & Aim
SPACE / A : Jump
M / SELECT : Open Map
W / X : Shoot
X / RB / RT : Dash
C / LB : Lock Character in Place (to aim more easily)
(Some controls are locked initially)
You can drop down ledges with Down (hold) + Jump.

If playing on a mobile device, the game will display touch controls.

Alternative keyboard controls: WASD (move), Shift (shoot), A (Lock), E (Dash)

The Game:
The player starts the game with only 20 seconds remaining before their suit will self-destruct. As they are stuck in a time loop, they are doomed to repeat these 20 seconds forever.
But don't give up, Keep Moving Forward! As you persevere, you'll gather more and more knowledge during those measly 20 seconds and eventually discover how to open new paths and find a way to delay this curse, or even remove it completely!

Theme - Keep Moving Forward:
With only 20 seconds on the clock, it may seem impossible to beat the game. But if you keep moving forward, little by little, you'll eventually manage to reach the end. Don't give up! :)

Why codes? When the game loop, everything is reset - apart from the sand that's in the hourglass. But the ingame character is able to remember the discovered codes. As a result, they are able to unlock their suit's abilities right away at the start of a new loop, without having to go all the way back to get the upgrade again! :)

If you wanna experience the game again, you can temporarily delete your save in the Options menu ("Reset Game"). If you refresh the page, the game will load your previous progress again, so your original save will be back :)


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THIS GAME IS AMAZING!! I love this mini-metroidvania with metroid aesthetics. But please, PUT THE RETRO BOOST FROM THE BEGINING!! IT LOOKS FUCKING SICK WITH IT!!